What to expect here: a brief update

Nearly a year ago I had aspirations for this blog to be a collaborative collection of events and places that I and some of my friends had experienced or visited and our thoughts on these. However I never successfully organised any collaborations and neglected this space for quite some months.

However I have missed writing so much that I've being trying to stir up my creative juices and just write about anything that I would be interesting to write and/or read. I've been conjuring up different ideas for posts and different topics to talk about, which I'm pleased with but I think veers slightly from the original promise of this blog by the intro piece.

So my update is, for the moment this shall be a solo adventure. I would love to have a few different voices here but I haven't organised anything and I think I would need to organise more time to planning and scheduling that as well as finding people interested! Also this is going to be more of a personal blog style rather than just solely different events and trips. I felt like I may have bound myself to every post being about an "adventure", but I'd really like to talk and discuss lots of different things. Also I want this to feel natural so some of my blog posts may be more spurious than others.

So whoever is out there reading, I just thought I'd let you what will lie ahead, but the type of blog that I aimed to make in the beginning is what I'd like to achieve someday! (I hope you enjoy my crazy ramblings regardless.)

