Postcard: Stockholm Salutations


I’ve been jetting off again (I told you I had a few adventures lined up!) This time I was on holiday for a week in Stockholm, Sweden. The weather was as beautiful, much like the Swedish people themselves! We joined in a much loved summer ritual of the locals by swimming in  Lake Mälaren and chilling on the beach. We also took a few boat trips across the archipelago to Drottingsholm Palace and to Fjaderholm where there are some lovely craft shops. There are lots of interesting museums here; Vasa, Nobel, the Royal Palace, the City Hall and the MOMA Stockholm to name a few. But my favourite was the ABBA museum! It was so fun putting myself in the band's music video or singing karaoke to all their songs. Besides all the places to visit, Stockholm is just a cool city to walk around and explore. We weren’t brave enough to have lots of traditional food (my boyfriend had Swedish meatballs), but there’s loads of choice and we treated ourselves to lots of delicious food. I could babble on, but I have to head home now. Hope you’re having fun, and you’re going to listen to some ABBA now!

Until the next adventure, hejdå!

Dancing Queen
